What is Shakti: The divine feminine energy

You are so powerful. You are a divine force. You are Shakti. Explore what Shakti is and how you can connect with Her.
What is Shakti: The divine feminine energy

What is Shakti? You may have heard the term Shakti Energy or Kundalini Shakti in a yoga class or women’s circle and wondered about it. However, the answer to this question is not a simple one. 

Shakti is the energy responsible for everything in the universe, from its creation and maintenance to its destruction. Shakti makes up the world, but it is also inside all of us.

A worldwide awakening of this energy is happening. So in this blog post, I will be exploring the concept of Shakti as the divine feminine energy. As well as how you can access this energy that is inside of you for a more empowered and awakened life.

If you would like to learn more about the goddess Shakti and dive into the Hinduism philosophy, check out this blog post: The goddess Shakti – Divine Mother.

What is Shakti: The feminine energy

In a general definition, Shakti means energy, force, or power. 

It makes up everything we know and have yet to discover. Not only on our earth but in the whole universe as well. It is the energy within everything.

Think about a time you were in nature and could physically feel the power of your surroundings.

You might have been standing next to a massive waterfall, feeling the spray hit your skin. Or you might have been underneath a canopy of trees, feeling the cool air brush past you and listening to the sounds of the insects. Looking out into the night sky and seeing a mass of beautiful bright stars. Marveling at how small you are in comparison. All this energy is Shakti.

What is Shakti: The feminine energy

Shakti is a life force that is present in everything. From the trees and plants to the water, rivers, and ocean. Further, it is your divine feminine energy. It is creative, sacred, and wants to flow freely through you and be able to express itself in different forms.

“True power arises from an inner feminine force – from Shakti.” – Sally Kempton

As we just entered Aquarian Age, a global awakening of Shakti energy is happening. Shakti energy is present in everything and everyone, including men. While it might be more dormant in some, more and more are awakening.

The rise of Shakti energy and therewith the rise of the divine feminine is deeply needed to restore the balance of Pachamama, our beloved planet.

Shakti is referred to as female energy because it is responsible for the creation of the universe just as women are responsible for the creation of life through birth. And right now, we are birthing a new age.

Where is Shakti located in your body?

The Shakti energy is thought of as a coiled serpent found at the base of the spine by the root chakra. This energy is dormant until you access and release it, which is often called Kundalini awakening. When you awaken this energy it can lead to a powerful spiritual awakening and transformation.

“Shakti is the divine feminine creative power.” – Rebecca Campbell

When awakened, your inner energy travels up your body like a serpent from the root chakra. This serpent connects all your chakras and you will experience life in a totally new way. The energy that connects everything will move through you. And you will experience the interconnectedness of life within your own body and beyond.

Where is Shakti found in the body

How to connect with your Shakti energy

You can’t really ‘plan’ a Kundalini Shakti awakening. But this doesn’t mean you can’t connect with the divine feminine energy inside of you.

“Every woman is a Goddess, for she has the capacity to embody the divine feminine Shakti in full radiant force.” – Rebecca Campbell

Your body holds the seeds of the universe, the seeds of creation, and is holy. Unfortunately, patriarchy has told us to disregard our needs and even develop shame regarding our cycle and period. But please know dear sister, your womb is sacred and holy.

You can connect with this energy, your feminine essence, within you, by connecting with your body and the sacredness of being a woman. To do this, you must pay attention to what your body needs and develop self-awareness around it. 

Shakti energy is your life force and you want it to be able to flow freely through your body. Take time to tune in to how your body is feeling and what it actually needs in the moment. Perhaps, your body is longing for some deeply needed rest, or to express its radiant energy through movement. Depending on where you are in your cycle, connecting with your Shakti energy can look totally different.

6 ways to connect with your divine feminine energy

Some ways to connect with your inner Shakti energy are:

  • Yoga – Yoga helps you deepen your connection to your body and be in a state of flow. Especially womb yoga can be a divine art of movement to connect with your feminine essence.
  • Breathwork – Since Shakti is the life force within you, focusing on that breath going in and out of your lungs will help you to connect to that energy.
  • Unleashing your creativity – Because Shakti is a creative energy, tapping into your creativity will help you connect to it.
  • Read books: For me, books can be a powerful source of inspiration and growth. One of my favorite books to connect with your feminine energy is Rise, Sister, Rise by Rebecca Campbell.
  • Meditation – This will help you to clear any chakra blocks and bring your focus back to yourself. You can also check out my blog post on some beginner meditation tips here.
  • Join a women’s circle: A great way to connect with your divine feminine is to gather with other women in a circle. If you’re new to women’s circles, check out this helpful guide here.

How to connect with your Shakti energy

For more inspiration to step into your feminine energy, check out my other blog post here. And if you’re ready to dive deep into your own energetics, which includes activating and balancing your feminine energy, then check out my personalized energy healing sessions here. During an energy healing session you will directly support and guide to release blockages to unleash your full power, as a woman, and as a soul.

The great awakening

Once you start connecting with your inner Shakti energy, you will find that you are able to live your life more in tune with your soul purpose. You will begin to feel empowered to speak your truth, claim your power and stand up for your beliefs. 

As women, we have been silenced for a long time, but with the rising of Shakti energy a great awakening is happening around the world. Healers, witches, medicine women, wild & wise women all over the planet are finding their voice and a global movement to change is occurring.

Currently, we are still in a transition period, the old is falling away, while the new is still rising through the fertile soil. However, more and more souls are awakening to their mission and birthing the new age. 

Your connection to Shakti will empower anything you choose to do. And through listening to your inner voice, this energy will continue to grow, leading to a purposeful and more awakened life.

The awakening of Shakti is so important not only for harmony within ourselves but for balance and peace throughout the world.

You are a powerful divine force. You are Shakti.


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