So nice to meet you

Welcome beautiful soul, I am really glad you have arrived here

Energy Healer.
Dog Mum.

Do you ever hear an inner calling, telling you that life is so much more than what we see? You can feel there’s a path laid for you to connect with your sacred gifts.

This calling comes from within, and it might feel like a whisper to your ear, telling you to break free from what you’ve learned, enter the unknown and discover the depths of your soul.

It is not a coincidence that somehow you ended up here. Your life journey is encouraging you to step into your highest potential and follow the steps towards authentically living your soul purpose. 

I am here to empower you to open the door to your soul and begin the journey towards liberating yourself. Are you in?

We are all on a spiritual journey

- Embracing our sacred soul purpose.

- Connecting with divine energy & source.

- Becoming our authentic & vulnerable selves.

- Embodying the universal wisdom within us.

Deep inside you know

We are all connected


Immerse your total being in love and vibrate at the highest frequency.


The totality of existence, the energy that connects us all.


The seed to a better world, creating the oneness of humanity.

Bali life

“Spirituality is recognizing and celebrating that we are all inextricably connected to each other by a power greater than all of us and that our connection to that power and to one another is grounded in love and compassion. Practicing spirituality brings a sense of perspective, meaning and purpose to our lives.”
– Brené Brown

Sabine - Soul, Lightworker and Energy Healer
My journey

The awakening

Growing up, I often felt like I don’t belong here. I tried to fit in but never felt at home. Eventually, I discovered the reason why: my true home is not on this planet.

But instead of feeling lost, I realized that I am here for a reason. As a soul that has incarnated in this body at this moment in time, I am on a mission to share my light and guide others on their own spiritual journeys.

We are all part of a great awakening that is happening around the world. Let’s embrace our true purpose and create a brighter future for us all.

Courses & Trainings

Courses & Trainings

2024    Trauma Aware Facilitation Training

2023    Sexual Alchemy Course

2023    Remote Energy Healing Workshop

2023    Energy Healing Training (Kabira Energetics)

2023    Vipassana Meditation

2022   Divine Feminine Embodiment Course

2022   Women’s Circle Facilitator Training

2022   Bali Silent Retreat

2022    Badass Boundaries

2021    Meditation Teacher Training

2021    Breath, Release, Restore Retreat

2019    Sequencing & Adjustment Yoga Teacher Training

2018    Vinyasa & Yin Yoga Teacher Training

2018    Bachelor of Science in  Psychology

Energy Healing

Explore the world of energy on your healing journey and unlock your highest potential.

Since everything is energy, all healing ultimately involves energy. Energy healing works purely with the energetic level of your being. Since everything is made up of patterns of energy, working directly with energy influences the physical, mental and emotional, as well as the spiritual level.

Shift your energy and  return to your authentic and unique vibration to live from a place of inner wisdom and thrive in life.

Awaken your Divine Feminine
FREE Online Women’s Circle

FREE Online Women’s Circle


Find magic everywhere
you look

Inspiration for your soul, body and mind.

Join Blissful Mornings

A FREE 5-day journey to infuse your morning routine with joy and raise the vibration of your day.

Elevate your mornings to create a life full of joy and deepen your spiritual practice.