Step into your feminine energy

Find out what exactly feminine energy is and 9 ways how you can embrace the divine feminine more in your life (as a woman)!
Step into your feminine energy

What exactly is feminine energy, and how can you embrace it more in your life?

Living in a masculine-dominated society can make it difficult for us, women and men, to connect with our feminine energy. But the divine feminine is rising, and it is very needed to bring our world back to balance.

To truly understand feminine energy, you need to look inward and explore what it means for you individually. Embracing your feminine energy is knowing who you are, following your deep-rooted intuition, and not holding back.

What is feminine energy?

In its essence, feminine energy is love. The feminine is the mother – the nurturer, giver, and bearer of life who loves unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

The feminine energy is soft, nurturing, and grounded, yet it’s dynamic, flowing, and always moving — it does not follow the rules other than the heart’s guidance. It is very mystical and can’t be controlled or contained.

Step into your feminine energy

To radiate your feminine energy means you embrace what is spontaneous, joyful, and creative. Go with the flow of life and let your intuition, rather than your mind, guide you.

When a woman fully embodies the divine feminine power, she follows her heart. She releases her full potential and stands in her full power. She knows she’s a divine being, a goddess and fully connected to her womb & heart space.

“She unleashed her inner goddess and became the woman her soul knew she could be.” ― Michelle Schafer 

A woman who is aligned to her divine feminine is honoring the different seasons of her moon cycle, living connected with Pachamama and in harmony with nature.

How is feminine energy different from masculine energy?

Whereas feminine energy is flowing, dynamic, and not bound by rules, masculine energy is commonly seen as the opposite of feminine energy.

Masculine energy is about doing and being action-oriented. It’s stable and more predictable. The masculine energy likes to create structure and rules – there’s more predictability and rigidness.

One analogy that I love to explain the feminine and masculine is the water and the glass.

The water is the feminine energy. It loves to flow, follow its intuition, and move freely. But without the glass, the masculine energy, the water would just splash and disappear. Therefore, the water needs the glass, the masculine container that gives it structure and stability.

Within this container, the feminine energy can be fully expressed and held by the masculine energy. Both energies need each other and are not in competition with each other. Then what would be a glass without water?

Understanding that feminine and masculine energy complement each other is a central key when embracing your feminine energy.

We don’t want to erase masculine energy or completely deny its existence within us. Only by bringing both energies into a sacred union can we become whole.

Every human has feminine and masculine energy

One crucial point that is often misunderstood is that feminine energy is not only present in women. It is not equal to female stereotypes that unfortunately exist in our society.

Each of us carries two energies inside: masculine and feminine. These energies are not determined by gender. 

The term feminine and masculine energy can be provoking for some people, so we could also label it yin or yang, ida and pingala, or shakti and shiva. Various terms from different teachings explain the forces of those energies.

Coming from the yogic tradition, ida is the left, the lunar (moon) nadi, representing intuitive qualities. Whereas pingala, the right, the solar (sun) nadi, is more active and analytical. Only when both nadi are in balance can we live a life in harmony, peace and health.

If we want to be balanced, thriving, and whole people, we need a healthy combination of the two. The feminine energy shouldn’t have to compete with the masculine energy; both energies should be harnessed in every individual.

“The union of feminine and masculine energies within the individual is the basis of all creation.” — Shakti Gawain

9 ways to embrace your feminine energy

There are many different ways to embrace your feminine energy, and it is all about finding out what works for you. There is not one right way because everyone creates their own definition and practices to connect with the divine feminine within us.

Here are 9 inspirations to help you embrace your feminine energy:

Honor your cycle

I don’t know about you, but I almost hated getting my period for a long time. Why did we, as women, have to ‘suffer’ so much? It was a big inconvenience for me, and I was totally disconnected from the wonder and power that lay within our menstruation.

Step into your feminine energy

Thanks to our body and menstruation, we create new life and are able to birth it on this planet. Also, our menstrual blood is immensely powerful and has unique healing properties. Shifting your mindset and honoring your cycle as the miracle it is, is the first step to embracing your divine feminine.

Connect with your yoni & womb space

The next step to tap into your feminine energy is to connect with your yoni and womb space. Your womb space is the center of your shakti, the feminine energy. It is where all the magic happens when we receive and birth new life onto this planet.

Wondering how you can connect with your yoni and womb space? How about a yoni massage? Maybe you feel inspired to use yoni eggs? Or, if you’re not really into tantra practices, you can start with some womb yoga. There are endless ways to connect you deeper with your shakti energy.

Nurture your body & yourself

Take the time to practice self-care, self-love, and self-worth. Show compassion towards yourself. Knowing your worth, allowing yourself time and space to do things you enjoy, and taking the time for yourself is crucial.

Make a list of things that make you feel good — whether that’s taking a long hot bath, practicing yoga, getting a massage, or just having a glass of wine — and make time for these things throughout the week. 

Step into your feminine energy

Wear a skirt or dress

Leggings are great, and I absolutely love my yoga pants. But sometimes, wearing a dress or skirt can do the trick if you want to embrace your feminine side. Especially on Fridays, Venus day, it can be a great opportunity to pop on your favorite dress.

Another benefit of wearing a dress or skirt is that your yoni can breathe better, and you can increase the flow of shakti energy and enhance your connection with Pachamama.

Your definition of femininity is your own, so find your expression and enjoy it. You make the rules.

Unleash your creativity

The feminine is a creative force; no matter what you believe, you’re a creative being. So express yourself creatively and don’t overthink it, just follow what you naturally feel.

This can be writing, dancing, painting, crafting, music, cooking, or any other DIY project. Express yourself through creative means and see what feels liberating to you. And know, it doesn’t have to be perfect or productive in any way. Allow yourself some unstructured time and see where it takes you.

Join a women’s circle

Spend time with like-minded women who support, celebrate and empower you. Simply taking time out for yourself allows you to tap into that inner voice and really listen to your needs. It allows you to be open and vulnerable and know you’re not alone on this journey.

In a circle of women, we celebrate the divine feminine, tap into its infinite wisdom and power and celebrate being a woman. Through different practices and rituals during the circle, we strengthen our connection with the feminine energy and mother earth.

Connect with your soul

Get in touch with your deeper self and inner voice through reflection and meditation. Take a few minutes each day to stop and really tune in to listen to what’s going on inside of you.

Another powerful way to connect to your inner voice and give her a place to be seen and heard is through journaling. This can be guided with specific journal prompts, or just grab your notebook and let the words flow freely.

Step into your feminine energy

Check out Blissful Mornings, my free 5-day journey to more joy where we integrate meditation, journaling and dancing to deepen our spirituality.

Ecstatic dance

One of my favorite embodiment practice of the divine feminine is ecstatic dance. Do you wonder why ecstatic dance? Because there are no rules, no choreography, just a free flow of energy and movement.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be ecstatic dance – every form of free dance can help you to embrace your feminine side. Just turn on your favorite song and let your intuition move your body in whatever form it wants to be moved. Close your eyes, tune inwards and connect deeply with your soul.

Slow down 

Being in your feminine energy means taking time as it comes and feeling into situations. It’s about trusting your intuition and allowing time and space for life to unfold. Get comfortable with taking breaks, slowing down, resting, taking a nap, and having spare time.

As women, we are not meant to be on the run all the time. Especially during our menstruation, it is time to slow down and honor the different phases of our cycle.

The power of connecting with your feminine energy

Womanhood is a beautiful experience that should be celebrated and cherished. Even though it’s easy to lose touch with your feminine side, it’s a necessary aspect of who you are.

Unfortunately, our modern society often pushes us into our masculine energy, which is very logical and goal-oriented. But to live a soulful and wholehearted life, we need to balance both qualities: The emotional and intuitive, as well as the mind-based and actionable.

By tapping into the power of your feminine energy, you can create an inner balance that will deliberate you to be your authentic self. 

You will radiate invincible energy and be able to attract what your soul desires. You will remember your inherent worth and that you are a goddess, a divine being of infinite wisdom. And be able to fully express yourself and stand in your full power.

If you’re ready to connect deeper with the divine feminine and embrace your feminine energy, join me in my upcoming online women’s circle and experience the power of sacred sisterhood.

Disclaimer: This article is mainly written for women and how to embrace feminine energy as a woman. But, and this is a very big but, feminine energy is an energy that is present in each human being. So if you identify as a man, you can also embrace your feminine energy. But some of the ways mentioned in the article may not apply to you (sorry!).


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