The yin approach to life: Find more balance

Finding balance, not just in yoga but in everyday life, is important. Nourish your body and soul, and invite yin into your life.

It’s no secret… many of us struggle to find balance in life and not feel like hustling all the time.

From doing your best in your 9-to-5 to running errands and taking care of yourself (and, if you have them, your kids) to seeing friends, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate. Managing all the things you have to do as an adult is a challenge, to say the least.

But before throwing in the towel and falling into the trap that there’s no way you can get all things done and still have me-time, let me introduce you to the yin approach to life.

Meaning of yin & yang

Conceptually, yin is the feminine energy associated with stillness, nighttime, intuition, creativity, feelings, and senses. In yoga, yin is a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer, working on the deep, dense connective tissues and joints in the body.

 The yin approach to life 5 ways to add more yin into your life

Conversely, Yang is masculine energy and stands for activity, daytime, vision, and power. It’s assertive, goal-oriented, accomplished, and dominant. Yang yoga is the more traditional Vinyasa or ashtanga-based asana practice that develops muscular strength, stamina, and flexibility.

The importance of yin and yang balance in your life

Yin and yang are connected, it’s a concept of dualism, opposing each other while at the same time complementing each other. In other words, nothing is just black and white; it’s about embracing change and flow, and trying to balance head and heart.

To be your best self, there must be a balance between yin and yang. When there are more qualities of another present, imbalance occurs in our mind and body.

“We are not meant to be perfect, we are meant to be whole.” – Jane Fonda

Especially in our western world, which is dominated by masculine energy – it’s more yang than yin – many of us have a hard time finding that much-desired balance.

5 ways to add more yin to your life

Want to invite more yin into your life? Here are 5 ways to do so:

1. Healthy diet

In our western world, we tend to eat a lot of yang foods that are heavy and rich. But as the saying goes, “you are what you eat,” what we put in our mouths matters.

Yin can only flow in a healthy body. It’s key to eliminate heavily processed foods as they only offer very little in terms of nutrients. Instead, choose healthy ingredients such as fruit, leafy green vegetables, oats, beans, seeds, and nuts.

2. Practice yin yoga

A great way to regain balance is through yoga. More specifically, yin yoga. As yin yoga is a slower practice that focuses on restoring the body through gentle movements, it’s the perfect way to slow down and have that much-needed me-time to cope with daily life.

The yin approach to life 5 ways to add more yin into your life

3. Nurture your feminine energy

It’s totally ok to want to be a strong, independent woman. But, as with everything in life, it’s about finding the right balance. You can be strong and independent while nurturing your feminine side; one doesn’t exclude the other.

A great way to nurture your feminine energy is by tapping into your yin energy and getting in touch with your emotions and feelings. Tap into your creativity through painting or music. Integrate calming colors and flowers into your space to promote femininity and sensuality. And most importantly, take time for yourself and your needs, and nourish your inner and outer body.

If you would like to learn more about feminine energy and 9 different ways to embrace it, check out my blog post: Step into your feminine energy.

4. Focus on the present

Many of us tend to look at the past constantly. Sure, without the past, we cannot grow. However, staying stuck in the past can be harmful. And that’s precisely why you should live in the present moment.

One great breathing exercise to do so is to inhale the present and exhale the past. Let go of how you think things should be and accept them for what they are. Focus on where you are right now.

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Buddha

5. Slow down

The best way to find harmony and move back into your yin energy is simply by slowing down. Take a long walk through nature or soak in a warm flower bath. Take time for yourself and truly relax.

It’s easy to let the chaos of life take over our needs – we’ve all been there. Just remember that everything in life is about balance. We cannot fully thrive without recharging every once in a while.

 The yin approach to life 5 ways to add more yin into your life

The first step toward more yin in your life is always looking inward. You can’t find balance in the outer world unless there’s balance within. Once you know and understand yourself, you will lead a more mindful and meaningful life.

Ready to invite yin back into your life? Head to my YouTube channel and practice one of the many yin yoga classes I’ve created for you. You can find them here.


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