Moon rituals: Tap into the energy of the moon

New moon and full moon rituals are a great way to harness the unique power of the moon to help set your intentions and manifest your desires.
Moon rituals

Working with the moon’s phases is a great way to dive deeper into astrology, emotions, and intuition. By tapping into the energy of the moon and using the power of different moon rituals, you can create magical shifts in your life.

Especially as women, we are super connected to the moon and sometimes even our cycle can sync up to the moon. Back in the old days, women would menstruate on the new moon and ovulate on the full moon.

Moon rituals are an ancient practice — the moon’s phases used to be honored by people across the globe, defining our farming calendars and fertility and determining celebrations. 

Today, moon rituals are a sacred space to focus inward, set intentions, and feel empowered. Each lunar cycle allows us to reflect, set intentions, and release. 

The difference between the new moon and the full moon

Every lunar phase begins with the appearance of a new moon.

The new moon symbolizes a new cycle, an energy of new beginnings, where you plant seeds and ask for what you want. It’s the perfect time to set your intentions and do manifestation work.

In general, the new moon is more of a yin energy, very soft and gentle.

On the other hand, the full moon represents letting go of what no longer serves you, clearing and cleansing — it’s when energy peaks and then releases. The full moon is a celebration of your manifestations, no matter how big or small.

Its energy is more yang-like, very active and strong.

Moon rituals

Moon rituals are a powerful way to align with the moon’s rhythms as we seek to foster the life of our dreams and release what’s holding us back.

The most popular moon rituals are carried out on the new moon and the full moon.

A new moon for a new beginning

The new moon is all about new beginnings. It’s the perfect time for fresh starts, birthing new ideas, and starting new projects. There’s no limit to what you can do.

Now is the time to set your intentions for the new lunar cycle and get clear on what you want to manifest and bring into the physical reality.

Easy rituals for the new moon 

The following new moon rituals can help you supercharge your intentions and support your manifestation work.

Create your new moon mantra

Every month, the new moon gives us an extra boost of intention-setting energy. Take some time to craft your new mantra that is clear, concise, and specific. 

You need to be precise, so the universe can work its magic to support you. And write it in the present tense!

You can attract it only if you act as if it is already happening.

If you come from a state where you are still lacking it, or it is still in the future, it will remain an unfulfilled desire.

For example, instead of writing, “I want to find a partner”, change it to a positive and present statement, “I am in a loving relationship”.

Your mantra will inform the universe of your aspirations and keep you focused on what you are after.

The 369 manifestation ritual

There are many ways to manifest your desires – from vision boards to working with the law of attraction. But one method, in particular, is the 369 manifestation ritual, and it couldn’t be simpler. All you have to do is write down what you’d like to manifest – best in the form of your new moon mantra.

Moon rituals

And here is how it works: Three times a day (morning, lunch, dinner), you write your mantra six times. So in the morning, you write your mantra six times, at lunch six times, and then another six times in the evening.

At the end of the day, you wrote your mantra 18 times. And you will do this for nine days. Finally, at the end of the nine days, you wrote your mantra a total of 162 times!

When you write your desire so many times, it will become deeply ingrained in your brain and can even help to change subconscious or limiting beliefs that you have adopted in the past.

Give it a try and stay open to the magic that it can bring to your life.

Ritual of Gratitude

The new moon is a great time to explore gratitude for the rhythms of life. Expressing gratitude has many positive effects, including decreased anxiety, better sleep, and increased optimism and hope.

Further, practicing gratitude will also help boost your manifestation and mantra. 

We want to come from a place of love and appreciation to attract what we desire.

Take your journal and find a quiet place to sit for a few moments without being disturbed. Spend some time writing down ten things you’re grateful for right now, just as it is.

This ritual is available for you each time the moon spins around the earth. Or anytime you feel like boosting your vibration and

A full moon for letting go

The full moon is the strongest of all lunar phases. 

The time of the full moon is the most potent time to recharge energy, meditate and clear your chakras. Many cultures worldwide perform ceremonies during the full moon for this very reason.

A full moon is a perfect time to let go, thus preparing yourself for a new chapter, just as a full moon gives way to a new moon.

Easy rituals for the full moon 

Full moon rituals allow us to harness the moon’s energy to release what no longer serves us, to let go of opposing forces and only absorb healing, positive energy.

Moon water

The ritual of collecting moon water is a simple process.

Find a glass bottle or jar and fill it with water. It would be ideal if you could use fresh water from a river or sea, but tap water will also do it.

Next, you can infuse the water with your intentions by writing them down, placing them under the jar, or whispering them to the water. Put your bottle out overnight during the full moon. In the morning, collect your bottle before the sun comes up.

Your moon water is ready for you to use it. You can simply drink it or use it to prepare your herbal tea or ceremonial cacao for some extra moon magic. Another great way to use your moon water is to have a blissful bath infused with the moon’s energy.

Cleanse & charge your crystals

Since ancient times, crystals have been used to store energy from the surrounding environment to enhance emotional and spiritual balance.

Moon rituals

Gently wash your crystals. Water from the ocean or a natural source is best, but running them under the tap at home is fine too. Some crystals aren’t waterproof so do your research first. 

Once your crystals are cleansed and dried, set them out on the earth just after sunset; as you set each crystal down, name an emotion you want to let go to affirm what you are ready to release.

Collect your crystals the following day and charge them with your intentions. Meditate on what you could achieve without negative energy blocking your path.

Ritual of release

Tap into the power of the full moon to strengthen your intentions with this ritual of release.

Get pen and paper and write down what no longer serves you. These could be old memories haunting you or habits you want to let go of. Be specific.

Some questions to guide you are:

  • What are you afraid of? 
  • Who are you angry at? 
  • What frustrates you? 
  • What’s holding you back? 
  • Who do you need to forgive? (don’t forget to include yourself!)

After you finish writing, hold that paper for a minute and state what you want to release aloud. Take a deep breath and visualize what you want to release floating away as you exhale.

Once done, burn it. Thrust your list into the flame and let it burn.

Be sure to thank the moon and the universe after you complete your ritual.

Moon rituals

Moon Magic

By performing different moon rituals, we can connect with the moon’s magic and use it in our favor. Harvesting the spiritual energy of the moon will help you lead a more soulful life.

“The sun sees your body; the moon sees your soul.”

As always, let your intention guide you. You can attract positive, healing energies and abundance through these moon rituals. 

When you manifest with the moon each month, you’ll start to see your intentions come to fruition and live a life in tune with mother nature and grandmother moon.

Ready to learn more about moon rituals or even join a moon ceremony? I love holding sacred space to gather under Grandmother Moon. Join my email list and be the first to learn about upcoming moon ceremonies and women’s circles.


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