The mother archetype

The mother archetype can help you to connect to your divine feminine, open up your heart, and love freely and wildly.
The mother archetyp

The mother archetype: full of love, compassion, and empathy. She cares for others and nurtures new life. Not only is she a representation of unconditional love but also represents she the balance between giving and receiving.

But do not be fooled into thinking the mother is weak. There is strength in love. She is full of power and will do anything to protect those she loves. 

In today’s blog post, I will share all about the mother archetype and how you can connect with her to open up your heart to love freely and wildly.

The 7 female archetypes

Before we dive into the mother archetype, let’s quickly gain an overview of the different female archetypes. The 7 female archetypes are powerful universal symbols that form part of the “collective feminine unconscious” according to psychologist Carl Jung.

There are seven main female archetypes: The mother (or earth empress), the wild woman, the muse (or lover), the warrior woman, the amazon, the high priestess (or tantrica), and the wise mystic (or wise woman). 

These 7 archetypes embody the ideas, values, attributes, and fears that symbolize the universal feminine experience. 

Each of these archetypes is present in every woman. However, one may be more dominant than others but we can access all of them when needed.

Understanding them is a powerful way to understand both yourself and others.

The mother archetype

Identifying the dominant archetypes within yourself can help you understand what motivates and thrives you. It can be a powerful catalyst for self-awareness and transformation.

Understanding the female archetypes can also help you to understand other women. By identifying universal patterns and beliefs you become empowered to understand and empathize with other women.

The term archetypes was initially coined by Carl Jung in 1919 and he wrote about them in his book The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious. According to Jung, the mother archetype is a universal pattern that is present in the collective unconscious of all humans.

The mother archetype explained

The mother archetype, also known as the earth empress, represents a woman’s impulse to nurture and nourish. Therefore she has a keen understanding of her responsibility to someone other than herself. 

She will stop at no lengths to help those she cares about, be it her children or others.

Additionally, she also represents the power and the wisdom of the divine feminine.

The mother archetype is one of the most universally recognized female archetypes. Stories of the mother have been told and documented in every civilization, culture, and era since the beginning of time. 

woman in nature

The mother archetype can take many forms and a woman doesn’t need to have or even want biological children to have her dominant archetype be the mother. Some examples include mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, nurses, carers, therapists, and coaches. 

A woman may also be a nurturer to siblings, friends, employees, pets, and the land itself.

The roots of the mother archetype may lie in the traditional image of motherhood but it really comes down to radiating a motherly energy and the joy you find in nurturing others.

Also, stepping into the mother archetype helps you to birth new ideas and projects.

Her energy can be channeled into business endeavors or to make a change in the world. Protecting and caring for Pachamama is just one example. Again, to step into the mother archetype one doesn’t have to be physically a mother, the mother can be embodied in many different ways.

Lastly, the mother’s greatest gift is to sustain, nurture, and renew her surroundings. She has plenty of love, empathy, and compassion and gives it freely to those around her. Also, she is the first to help those in need and makes sure that everyone else is taken care of before herself.happy mother

Shadows of the mother archetype

With everything in life, there is a shadow side. Defined by Jung, the shadow is the dark side of the human psyche. It represents our hidden desires, weak spots, and shame-filled, repressed areas of the self. 

By knowing your shadow, you can integrate and make peace with that part of yourself.

One of the shadows of the mother archetype is boundaries: She often struggles with her personal limits. She will say yes to anyone who needs her even if she has no capacity to help. This may lead to resentment and burnout.

Further, this also means that she may be in danger of being taken advantage of. Other people can sense her generosity and nurturing nature and may manipulate her for their own gains.

The mother archetype

Another shadow could be that the mother may struggle with possessiveness. Her identity is formed so concretely around the role of a caretaker that she becomes terrified of losing those she cares for. This means she may become over-controlling. 

She also has fears of abandonment and a tendency towards codependency.

If your dominant archetype is the mother, learning to set healthy boundaries is key to your well-being. You must also make time for yourself to ensure your own needs are being met. Ensure you are not giving up on your own dreams and aspirations to support those around you. Your dreams are equally important as theirs.

Examples of the mother archetype

As motherhood is such a universal experience, occurring since the dawn of time, there are many examples of the mother archetype across history, religion, mythology, and pop culture.

What these examples all have in common is their dedication to helping others.

In Hindu mythology, an example of the mother archetype is the goddess Kali. She is responsible for all creation. And she nurtures all of nature and helps it to grow and flourish. Kali is known as the divine mother. She is not weak, rather she is powerful and willing to do anything for those unable to stand up for themselves.

Another representation of the mother archetype is the goddess Shakti. Also referred to as the divine mother. The goddess Shakti is the mother of all, and like a mother, she is nurturing and protective. However, like a mother when her child gets hurt, she will take action against those responsible.

Also, Princess Diana is a famous example of the mother archetype. She is still remembered for her kind soul, humble character, and charity work.

Many popular movies and books also feature mother figures that embody the mother archetype. Think of Molly Weasly from Harry Potter. She is always willing to take another child into her home even though she already has a house full of children and doesn’t have much money.

Connect with your inner mother

The mother archetype is full of love, compassion, and forgiveness. 

This does not mean she is weak, passive, or submissive. Rather, she is incredibly strong to forgive those who have hurt her and see beyond what she is feeling to support and accept others. 

By embracing and embodying the mother archetype, one can love freely and perform selfless acts of service when needed. 

One way to connect to the mother archetype inside of you is by mothering yourself and the inner child within you. You cannot give compassion and love to others fully without first giving it freely to yourself. Let go of shame and regret and listen to what your inner child is feeling.pregnant woman

Another way is connecting with nature and the moon cycles will also help you to connect to the mother within you. You can also connect to and honor your sacred cycle and womb as this is where life comes from. Tuning into your sensuality, sexuality, and body love will also help. Be thankful for your body and all that it is capable of.

Without the mother archetype, the world would be a much harsher place. The mother is an integral part of our society. She is both strong and nurturing and she is willing to do whatever it takes to defend those she cares about.

If you have loved learning about the mother archetype and feel called to learn more, then I invite you to join my upcoming women’s circles. Here you can connect with like-minded women in a safe and judgment-free space while learning how to access your truest self and unlock your divine feminine.


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