The meaning of namaste

Deepen your understanding of the roots and meaning of Namaste, a simple yet powerful word encouraging authentic connection with others and the divine.
Meaning Namaste

If you have been to a yoga class before, you most likely heard the term Namaste at the end of the practice. And maybe you were wondering, what is actually the meaning of Namaste

In a nutshell, we use it as an expression of gratitude between teachers and students for sharing a beautiful time and practice together. At least in the context of a yoga class.

Although it’s becoming more and more widespread in this context, Namaste has a much deeper meaning than that. This Sanskrit word encompasses the fundamental teachings of Hinduism (and is not limited to this specific religion). 

If understood in its full extension, it can be a beautiful way of opening and closing any spiritual practice.

Today, I’m going to dive deeper into the meaning of this simple yet powerful word to empower you in your spiritual practice and relationships. I hope it will help you feel more connected to yourself, others, and the divine.

The literal meaning of Namaste

In India, people commonly use Namaste as a way to greet each other. When meeting one another, family members, neighbors, or friends will join their palms in Anjali Mudra (prayer position) and bow their heads as a sign of acknowledgment and respect. 

While it can seem basic at first sight, this gesture goes much deeper! It encompasses the essential teachings of the beautiful practice of yoga, which also originates from India. 

Literally, Namaste can be translated from Sanskrit as “I bow to you” or, going deeper, as “The Divine within me bows to the divine within you”. 

Where does Namaste come from

Namaste finds its roots in India. As mentioned above, it is a Sanskrit word, and it wasn’t widespread in the English language before the mid-20th century. Its exact origins remain unknown.

Sanskrit is the ancient and original language used in India to articulate Hinduism teachings, mainly used among scholars nowadays. 

The spiritual meaning of Namaste

When bowing to another being, one acknowledges the world’s true nature as “one”. They understand and pay respect to the idea that despite our differences in personalities, tastes, cultures, and life stories, we human beings complement each other as part of something bigger. 

Meaning of Namaste

We each represent individual parts that, when put together, are “whole”.

It’s an important teaching that we tend to forget in our modern society. Sadly, we have learned to compare each other constantly while competing to get ahead of the game; or, in other words, “better than”. Yet, “better than” also implies “separate from”, which instead of bringing us together, amputates our true nature. This insatiable pursuit for superiority creates deep suffering in all beings, especially in the longer term.

Namaste represents a simple, yet concrete reminder of the fundamental truth that we are all one. By using it, you assert your belief in this truth. You also express your desire to reunite and collaborate with the person in front of you. You are connecting your heart chakra to theirs, entering a place of compassion, openness, and deep love.

Some beautiful translations of the meaning of namaste

Namaste is the combination of Namah (bow, reverence) and te (“to you”). Therefore, we can most commonly and literally translate Namaste as “I bow to you”. 

But it has also been translated in a variety of ways, even though the overall meaning remains the same. Here are a few other translations:

  • The divine light within me bows to the divine light within you.
  • I bow to the place in you that is love, light, and joy.
  • My soul recognizes your soul.
  • We are all the same, we are one.

You can pick the one that resonates with you the most, or even rephrase it if it rings more true to you that way!

Meaning of Namaste

When and why do we say Namaste

In addition to its greeting aspect or saying farewell, Namaste is mainly used in India to acknowledge one another as divine beings. It’s a gesture of deep gratitude for our world and for being a part of it. One can also use it to ask for forgiveness.

And in our modern Westernized culture, it is commonly used at the beginning or end of a spiritual practice, such as a yoga class, meditation, or women’s circle. It’s an expression of mutual gratitude for the time shared together, and also a recognition that we are all equal. 

Regardless of where we use Namaste, it is a powerful statement that you respect and honor the person or people you are addressing it to.

The gesture/greeting of Namaste

To express Namaste, join your palms together and in front of your heart. Bow your head slightly towards your fingertips, and close your eyes. You can also slightly bow your torso towards the person in front of you.

It is important to do your best to only use it when meant in a positive way to encourage a positive spiritual connection between you and those you are saying Namaste to.

Meaning of Namaste

I hope this post gave you a deeper understanding of the word and gesture of Namaste, and when to use it. It has become so widespread that its meaning tends to get confused these days. And I think is a real shame, given how profound and beautiful it is! 

And if you’d like to practice yoga to familiarize yourself further with the deeper meaning of Namaste – both on and off your mat -, I encourage you to head to my Youtube Channel here. There, you will find a variety of yoga classes with a focus on mindfulness and spirituality.

Last but not least, let me know in the comments: How familiar were you with the term Namaste before reading this blog post? Have you used it before? I’d love to hear from you!


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