The goddess Shakti – Divine Mother

Discover the divine mother and goddess of all creation, goddess Shakti, and how you can connect with her to live a more purposeful life.

There are many different goddesses in Hindu culture. One of the most powerful ones is the goddess Shakti. Shakti is known as the creator of the universe. 

She is the Great Goddess or Mahadevi. She is the all-encompassing female deity. This means that she is made up of all the other goddesses. For example, Shakti as the goddess Durga is a fierce warrior who will fight for you and protect you. As the goddess Kali, Shakti will destroy evil and restore balance. And as the goddess Parvati, She is responsible for fertility.

Shakti is also an energy that we can all access inside of us. You can learn more about Shakti: the divine feminine energy in my blog post, here.

In this article, I explore the all-encompassing goddess Shakti and how you can connect with her to unlock all the wonders she can bring to your life.

The Hindu goddess Shakti

In Hindu culture, the goddess Shakti is the divine mother and the goddess of all creation. She is worshiped throughout India. She is considered the source of both physical energy and matter as well as everything in between. 

The Hindu goddess Shakti

Goddess Shakti is thought of as the life force energy that powers all things in this universe. 

For example, she makes the river flow, she makes the lights work, and she even makes your heart beat and gives breath to your lungs. Her power can be felt both internally and externally.

The goddess Shakti encompasses the destructive aspects of the universe like illness, degeneration, and death. As well as the life-giving aspects like creativity, nature, art, music, and prosperity. After all, there can be no creation without destruction. It is the circle of life.

Without the goddess Shakti, life would cease to exist.

Think of an animal dying in the forest and turning to dust which fertilizes the soil. This gives life to plants. Which in turn, gives life and energy to the creatures that eat the plants. It is all in harmony.

Shakti and Shiva

In Hinduism, the masculine counterpart to Shakti is the god Shiva. Together, Shakti and Shiva represent the feminine and masculine energy of the universe

Like Shakti, Shiva has many contradictory qualities. He is known both as the destroyer and as the restorer. Together Shakti and Shiva are responsible for the creation of the universe.

The god Shiva is responsible for the creation of the elements making up the universe but it is the goddess Shakti that fills these elements with energy and brings them to life. Without Shakti, everything in the universe would be lifeless and static.

“I am Shakti, as well as Shiva. I am everything male and female, light and dark, flesh and spirit. Perfectly balanced in one single moment lasting an eternity…” – Robin Rumi

Shakti and Shiva are equals. Neither is more powerful than the other. They need each other for the universe to function as it does. Without Shiva, there would be nothing to give life to. And without Shakti, there would be no life.

Qualities of the goddess Shakti

Depending on her intention, the goddess Shakti can morph into multiple different forms. In this way, she is able to create, destroy, protect, evoke fertility, nurture, and so much more.

divine mother and protector

The goddess Shakti is the mother of all, and like a mother, she is nurturing and protects you from the troubles you may face. However, like a mother when her child gets hurt, she will take action against those responsible.

Goddess Shakti will not stand idly by and watch when we are in distress. She will do all she can to help us.

When called upon she will manifest within us as intelligence, intuition, and action to enable us to take a stand and fight for ourselves. 

Shakti also aids our communication skills so that we will not be misunderstood.

Connecting with the goddess Shakti

There are many reasons why you might want to connect with the powerful goddess Shakti. You can call upon her for strength when fighting your own personal demons or when seeking protection. Or, you can ask her to bless you with fertility. 

You can even ask her to destroy what is not serving you and restore balance in your life. You cannot be forceful or demanding when seeking out the goddess Shakti. She will become furious or sad. Rather, seek her out with playfulness, love, and sincerity.

Spend time in nature

As the goddess of all creation, you can connect with Shakti through nature. Take a walk in nature and express gratitude for all she provides you with. 

woman in nature

You can also incorporate this into your daily life simply by honoring, protecting, and celebrating Mother Earth. This will help you to form a deeper bond with the goddess Shakti and you will be able to feel her influence more strongly in your everyday life. 

Tuning into your emotions

Further, tuning in to your emotions will help you to connect with the goddess Shakti. Shakti values communication and intuition. By simply communicating your own emotions to yourself and trusting your intuition, you will be connecting deeper with her.

One way to do this is by journaling when you feel big emotions start to come up. Ask yourself, what you are feeling and what caused these feelings to appear. You do not need to try and force any feelings away, rather try to understand them more.

You can also do regular feeling checks throughout the day. Simply pause and ask yourself, what am I feeling right now? Am I tired, happy, excited, sad? Try and honor this emotion whatever it may be.

Connecting with the goddess Shakti can help you to live a life more in tune with your divine purpose. 

The goddess Shakti is so great and all-encompassing that words can hardly define her. Without her, there would be nothing in this universe. Taking time to honor her and connect with her will help you to live a more fulfilled life and raise the vibration of our world in general. Something the world so desperately needs.

Do you wanna learn more about goddesses, the divine feminine and female archetypes? Join my women’s circle to connect deeper with yourself and other women and dive into your spirituality and feminine energy. Follow me on Eventbrite, so you don’t miss any upcoming circles and events.


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