The energetic body: Your aura

Learn about the energetic body and how you can connect with the seven auric bodies that influence and guide your life.

Most people know all about the physical body. They know if they’ve pulled a muscle, they know if they have a cold, and they know if they haven’t slept enough. But, what many people don’t know about, is the energetic body.

We are all made up of energy and the health of our energetic body is just as important as the health of our physical body.

If you have never heard of the energetic body before, then you are in the right place. In this blog post, I am going to break down what the energetic body is and explain the seven auric bodies.

What is the energetic body?

The energetic body, also called aura, auric field, or the human energy field, is the unseen energy field that surrounds all living things.

It is widely understood that everything in the universe, humans included, is made up of energy.

This energy vibrates in a unique pattern known as a frequency. Even things that appear solid are vibrating at a molecular level. Your energetic body emanates from this energy surrounding you.

The energetic body includes energy channels and energy centers for the energy (also known as prana) to flow freely through. Each energetic body connects to the physical body through energy centers known as chakras. I wrote a whole blog post on chakras that you can read if you need some more explanation on them.

The energetic body

The chakras essentially function as energy distribution centers. When balanced, energy flows through channels into the chakras to be distributed throughout the energetic body. When the chakras are unbalanced or blocked, energy cannot flow and lower vibrational energy cannot be released leading to all sorts of physical ailments.

The energetic body and the physical body cannot be separated. They work together to maintain balance in your life.

For both the energetic body and the physical body to function at their highest levels, they must be in alignment with each other.

Your energetic body contains all of the information about you as an individual from birth to death, from past and parallel lifetimes.

An energy worker can help you to restore flow, balance, and harmony within your body. If you would like to learn more about energy work, visit my blog post: What is energy work?

The seven auric bodies of the energetic body

According to ancient Eastern wisdom, such as Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, the energetic body is expressed in seven layers. Each layer correlates to a different element of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health.

I have broken down each of these layers for you from the layer closest to your body (your etheric body) to the layer furthest away (your causal body).

Etheric body

The etheric body is the energetic body that resides closest to your skin. It represents our physical health and is considered the energetic blueprint of the body.

Every single bone, organ, and even cell has an energetic expression in the etheric body.

the etheric body

The frequency or vibration of the etheric body determines the health of the physical body. And Illness often appears in the energy field before it is expressed in the physical body.

Disharmony in this layer can lead to disease in the physical body. It is connected to the 1st chakra.

Emotional body

The emotional body corresponds to your emotions and is where emotional patterns and feelings are located.

Because of the many strong emotions humans can feel, this layer is susceptible to volatile movements in energy. This depends on the emotions the individual is feeling or what they are being exposed to.

Feelings that we feel consistently, get locked into this emotional body as an emotional pattern.

This is expressed both in our personalities and also in how we interact and relate with the people and things in our environment.

For example, feeling anger during the day every now and then will not cause anger to get locked into your emotional body. However, if you are constantly angry many times throughout the day, this will become locked in your energetic body. And lead to you becoming an angry and resentful person.

The emotional body is connected to the 2nd chakra.

Mental body

The third layer of the energy body is the mental body. It is very closely related to the emotional layer. This body relates to logic, reasoning, and thoughts.

It is where our belief systems, personal truths, and experiential perceptions reside.

The mental body is where you do your everyday thinking and it forms part of your personality. Further, it is associated with our ego and the 3rd chakra.

For example, if you are always thinking negative thoughts eventually those thoughts can permeate through into the physical body. This is why changing your negative thought patterns can often improve your health and your quality of life.

the mental body

Astral body

The astral body encompasses your spiritual health. It is also where your capacity for love is located. It is the bridge between the physical planes and the spiritual realm and is connected with the 4th chakra, your heart.

In babies and children, this pathway is wide open, which is why young children are so capable of unconditional love. However, as you age, the pathway starts to close a little as a protective measure against heartbreak and sadness.

A conscious effort to open up the pathways to your astral body will help you to embrace unconditional love and live a much more fulfilled life. The joy you receive from this will be worth the occasional sadness you feel.

Etheric template body

The etheric template body is an exact replica of the physical body. It indicates both the current state of your body and the image of how your body should look when it is in perfect health. It also contains the pattern for how your physical body was supposed to be formed in this lifetime, like your eye color and height.

woman energy body

Someone who can read this body can work as a medical intuitive and provide information on where sickness is manifesting in the body. This means that the disease can be found before it actually enters the physical body and action can be taken to ward off the illness.

Celestial body

The celestial body is where your dreams and intuition are stored.

It’s also the body of enlightenment. It is focused on the spiritual realm where you can connect with the other side. If someone has a strong celestial body, they tend to be highly creative.

The entire workings of a person, like their emotions, thoughts being processed, and physical disorders, can be seen in their celestial body.

Further, it is associated with the 6th chakra, your third eye.

Causal body

The causal body contains your true self. It harmonizes all the other bodies and helps guide you on your life’s path.

It is connected to the spiritual planes that we return to once we leave the earthly plans. This body transports the essence of an individual from one life to the next.

Not only is the causal body a place of universal consciousness, but it also reflects all the experiences that the soul ever had. Further, it vibrates at the highest frequency and is connected with the 7th chakra, the crown chakra.

soulful woman

Connect with the energetic body

The energetic body is not one to ignore. Connecting to it and opening it up can lead to a fulfilling and enlightened life. Taking care of your energetic body will improve both your physical and mental health and lead you toward knowing your true self.

If you would like support in connecting with your aura and your chakras, then reach out to me. As a light worker and energy healer, I support struggling souls on their journey to liberate themselves and unleash their inherent power.

As a soul, you came to Earth for a reason, and by working directly with your energetic body we can resolve and release blockages, from current and past lives, as well as ancestral, so that you can fully embrace your unique gifts and enjoy your human incarnation.

To find out more about how I can support you, visit my Energy Healing page here.


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