Find the right meditation position for you

The key to finding the right meditation position for you and enjoying your practice: Comfort is queen!
How to find the right meditation position for you

When you think of the word “meditation” your mind probably goes straight to Buddha or a monk sitting in a crossed-legged position. While this is the most traditional position for meditating -because it’s been around for centuries-, it’s not necessarily the only one.

Starting a meditation practice is sometimes not easy. Suddenly, it’s only you and your thoughts! Especially sitting in a lotus pose for several minutes to hours might not be the right position to start. But the good news is, you don’t have to!

Like everything in life, there’s not only one path to follow toward a meditation practice that you actually enjoy doing. 

Here are a couple of tips that will help you find the right meditation position for you!

The more comfortable you are, the better you will meditate

You need to learn what comfortable means for your own body. If you are not comfortable, you will have very low chances of achieving a meditative state of mind. Whether you are just a beginner meditator, or an experienced one, a suitable meditation position can deeply transform your practice. The whole objective of a good meditation position is: 

  • A relaxed body 
  • An alert mind

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.” – Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Use props to find the right meditation position

Any traditional yogi would say that the best way to meditate is sitting down with your hands over your lap, and I would definitely have to agree with that -most of the time-, even though there are certain times when laying down could also work.

Sitting is a daily part of our lives, but what we don’t realize is that we are doing it as a secondary activity. We might be sitting for two hours while watching a movie, or in front of our desk. The main difference when we attempt to meditate is that we are not leaning against anything, and are usually sitting on the floor.

How to find the right meditation position for you

In the beginning, your knees can feel like they are ‘in the air’ and it becomes a hard position to maintain. Using blocks under your knees can help to release the tension from your muscles and find more comfort.

Another way to be more comfortable is to elevate your hips so that they are higher than your knees. This will make a huge difference! I always use my yoga block or bolster when I meditate, but you can also just use a pillow.

Lie down for your meditation

I am not opposed to lying-down meditation. In fact, I do meditation practices in bed sometimes! If you are completely new to mediation and can’t sit still for 3 minutes, don’t give up! Rather than not meditating at all, try lying down. 

Now, the catch here is this: 

Only choose to lie down if you are sure you can stay awake. The main reason why lying down can be tricky, is because of your focus concentration and the risk of falling asleep. Lie on your back with your arms extended alongside your body. Your feet should be hip distance apart, and your toes can be turned out to the side.

How to find the right meditation position for you

If this is uncomfortable, modify the pose to support your lower back. Place a pillow underneath your knees to slightly elevate them while lying flat. You can also bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground.

Find the right sitting meditation position for you

In case you want to meditate sitting, here are the most popular sitting positions. I encourage you to try them out so you can find the right meditation position for you.

The lotus, or half-lotus positions

The most popular one, for sure! But please approach it with caution, first because it demands great flexibility, and second, it can present a risk of injuries to our body. Knees and hips could suffer the most if you are not careful.

Mindful tip: Practice this Slow Flexibility Flow for Hamstrings & Hips on my YouTube channel and see how your body slowly starts to give in.

How to find the right meditation position for you

The Burmese meditation position

This position is somewhat easier than the previous one, because it allows you to place your feet on the ground. Your lower body is crossed with one leg folded in front of the other. Make sure to place a mat, rug or soft surface under your legs for more comfort. 

It’s possibly the most common position to meditate, and also my favorite meditation position. If your knees are not flat on the ground, use a prop to elevate your hips. I usually sit on my yoga block or bolster in the meditation position.

How to find the right meditation position for you

Seiza or kneeling meditation position

You bend your knees and sit on your feet, with your shins flat on the floor and the ankles beneath your bottom. 

If you usually feel discomfort in your knees and ankles, you can place a cushion between your bottom and heels for more support. Rooting your weight down through your sit bones will allow you to focus on your meditation.

How to find the right meditation position for you

Comfort is queen to find the right meditation position

One of the biggest mistakes when starting to meditate is to try to sit in positions that you are not flexible enough for or that are just not comfortable for you. A good option is to add a chair into the mix, and it doesn’t have to be a ‘special’ chair. Your dining room chair would be good enough. 

You can also sit on your couch, it’s your choice. 

Above all, it’s important to be loving and gentle to yourself, and find what’s best for your body and your mind. Do not be super strict about it, and let the energy flow through you. A great way to achieve this is to actually set an intention every time you start a meditation practice, and try to be present in the moment.

Be patient and enjoy your meditation journey! And if you need some help to start your meditation journey, check out my blog post: 7 easy steps to start meditation (for total beginners).

I’d love to hear from you, what’s your go-to meditation pose? Comment below!


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