A powerful intuitive tool: Oracle cards

Discover a spiritual tool to connect with your soul and learn how you can read oracle cards to receive divine guidance on your soul journey.
A powerful intuitive tool: Oracle cards

Did you ever wonder how to read oracle cards? Maybe a friend started using them, or you encountered them during a women’s circle. There are many beautiful ways you can get in touch with oracle cards.

And learning how to read oracle cards is a profound tool if you wish to communicate with the divine or to receive some guidance on your life path. Starting to use oracle cards can open the door to your soul and help you connect deeper with your intuition.

And the good news is, learning how to read oracle cards is not complicated at all and you do not need any mystical skills. Because using oracle cards is accessible to everyone!

And I would love to empower you in this article to discover how to read oracle cards and start using them! I will share 5 easy steps on how to read oracle cards. But first, let’s explore what oracle cards are exactly, and bust some myths about oracle card readings.

What is an oracle card reading?

Oracle card reading is a form of guidance from spirits or the divine to support you on your spiritual journey. It provides a variety of images, symbols, and stories that will materialize further through your intuition. 

Oracle cards are a powerful exploratory tool, merging a deeper connection with your subconscious to the messages the universe wants to deliver to you at a specific time. In other words, they act as a liaison between the physical and mystical elements of yourself – and of life itself.

Using and working with oracle cards is one of my favorite spiritual practices. 

It’s near and dear to my heart as it’s helped me a lot to reconnect to my higher self in subtle yet profound ways. And I hope it will inspire you to forge your own communication system with your soul, guides, and ancestors. 

Oracle card versus tarot card reading

While oracle cards and tarot cards can have a similar purpose, they are also very different.

Reading tarot cards takes some degree of knowledge about how it works – and there’s not as much flexibility as with oracle cards. They use a specific structure, number of cards, and traditional meanings. They also tend to be more detailed in the messages they deliver.

How to read oracle cards

Oracle cards, on the other hand, rely highly on the intuition of the reader. Their messages are usually broader. They may indicate the area(s) where your soul is calling you to step up, and what actions you can take for the good of yourself and all beings.

They are free-flowing, in the sense that they don’t have any rules associated with them. Their content, number of cards, and design are up to the creator of each deck, which allows for many different formats and choices. 

And the way you read them is up to you! You can use a specific spread that works for you, but you don’t have to. You’ll find more details on how to read oracle cards below.

Benefits of oracle cards reading 

I personally really enjoy this flexibility when it comes to oracle card reading. It’s given me a sense of freedom, by encouraging me to follow my intuition to interpret a message rather than following a set structure. 

Oracle cards are usually positive overall, allowing you to look at any situation with fresh and optimistic eyes.

Different decks

I also love the choice among the myriad of themes available when choosing my deck! Which is quite an important step, by the way. You’ll want to pick a card deck that resonates with you, both in terms of theme and illustrations. 

One of my favorite card decks that I own is the “Work your light” deck by Rebecca Campbell. As I find that it’s the most meaningful way for me to connect with my soul purpose and guide me on my path as a lightworker. But spirits, the divine, or the universe, can be represented in many other ways, such as ancestors, plants, angels, or sacred rebels – to only name a few!

Oracle readings can be a wonderful spiritual practice to facilitate communication between your mind, soul, and a higher source – the Divine.

Myths about oracle card reading

It is not uncommon to have some fears associated with oracle card reading. Many of us are afraid of being somehow manipulated by the deck creator and/or the people selling them to the public. 

Communication with Spirits doesn’t have to be this way! Rather, it’s an exploration of your inner self since the Divine lives inside every single one of us. We are merely representations of it in various forms. 

So let me shed light on a few of these myths that might, consciously or unconsciously, keep you away from this beautiful tool.

Myth #1: Only psychics can read oracle cards

Wrong! Although it can be helpful to get a professional reading from time to time, anyone who is willing to learn how to cultivate their intuition can read oracle cards. It takes practice, like everything else, but you absolutely can do it!

How to read oracle cards

Myth #2: Oracle cards predict the future

Oracle card reading isn’t about predicting future events, although they can help interpret them when they take place. Rather, they’re a tool to help you dive deep into your subconscious mind and use your intuition to address current opportunities and/or soul callings.

Myth #3: Some cards can be bad or unsafe

Once again, oracle cards aren’t meant to predict your future, whether it is bright or dark. Life is more complicated than that and necessarily involves brightness and darkness in complement to one another.

So any card you pick will deliver you a message that has a strong potential to bring a positive impact into your life.

For more myths on oracle card reading, here is an article from Colette Baron-Reid.

How to read oracle cards: 5 easy steps

Are you ready to start reading oracle cards? It is such a beautiful practice and one that really enriched my life and helped me to deepen my spiritual practice. And it is a practice that is truly accessible to every human being. But, you need to be open to it. 

1. Prepare your space

Just like any other spiritual practice, it’s important to set the atmosphere to honor your communication with your soul. I like to open sacred space before starting. Choose a place where you feel safe, light a candle, and burn some incense.

Create an open, sacred space

Then, take some time to enter your practice gently, in any way that makes sense to you. For example, you could close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and address a few introductive words to spirits, ancestors, or your higher self.

2. Choose your spread

As I mentioned above, you have complete freedom as to how many cards you’ll pull up and which spread you’ll use. 

Whether it’s just one (or two!) daily cards to guide you on your day to come, or a seven-card spread at each New Moon cycle to assess where you’re at monthly, the possibilities are endless!

3. Shuffle your cards and ask a question

I like to shuffle my cards with closed eyes, tuning into a theme or topic. But there are many different ways to shuffle your cards – do what feels naturally right for you.

You’re now ready to ask your question to receive guidance! Choose an open-ended one to allow a broader message, which you’ll have more ways of interpreting than a closed-ended question.

I like to repeat my question and ask for guidance or a sign from the universe. Also, you don’t necessarily need to ask a question. You can also just be open to receiving whatever message the universe would like to send to you.

You can then spread the cards on the ground or in your hand – it’s up to you.

4. Pull up your cards and read

Now, it’s time to pull your card(s). While doing so, I usually have my eyes closed and move my hand over the cards. Personally, I feel some special energy when I get close to the card I am supposed to pull. But allow yourself to follow your intuition. And especially, if you are just getting started, don’t overthink it. 

Go with your first impression and pull a card.

In case you decided to pull more than one card, place the cards in front of yourself in the order you pulled them.

If you’re beginning, you’ll first want to use the oracle guiding book included in your deck to make sense of the meaning of your cards. With time and practice, you’ll become more familiar and will learn how to interpret the cards more intuitively.

Do your best to keep an open mind and let your heart guide you in your interpretations. And remember that the universe loves you and wants what’s best for you!

5. Send gratitude

Before you put your cards and deck away, take some time to thank the universe, spirits, or guides that showed up to guide and protect you. Acknowledge their presence, and commit to yourself to use their guidance to the best of your ability at this moment.

I like to place the card I pulled on my altar. And maybe you feel called to dive deeper into the meaning of your card by meditating on it or journaling about it. Some decks also have an activation prompt that you can follow.

How to read oracle cards

Free oracle card pull

So, that’s a simple way how you can start to read oracle cards. As you get more familiar with your cards, you might bring in other elements. Always follow your intuition, there’s no right or wrong way.

And if you would like a free oracle card pull, then connect with me on Instagram @mind.yoga.soul. Every Monday, I do a free oracle card pull on my Instagram stories. This is a great way to start if you don’t have your own deck yet, or maybe you are curious about what card I will pull for you. 

Also personally, I like to pull a card each Monday to receive divine guidance for the new week ahead. So join my next free oracle card pull on Instagram, and make sure to follow me now so you don’t miss it. You can find some previous free oracle card pulls here.

I hope you found some useful insights and inspiration from this blog post – feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments, I’d love to hear from you! And if you’d like to hear more about how to start your very own spiritual practice, I think you’ll really enjoy the blog post I wrote: Start your spiritual practice.


2 Responses

  1. Hi. I just bought my first deck. Telepathy oracle cards. I need a little more information about exactly how to set it up and clear your space. Items to use exactly. Please assist me. It’s for private use.

    1. Hi Geraldine,

      Congratulations on buying your first oracle card deck. That’s so exciting! I still remember when I started working with oracle cards and what a profound tool they were to assist me on my journey.

      Regarding how to clear your space and what items to use, I highly recommend checking out this blog post that I wrote: How to cleanse your space energetically

      You can also find some further information about how to start working with oracle cards in my post on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CxboQ0oPy7F/

      Very excited for you to start this journey, and my most important advice: Trust your self! You are the oracle! Especially as you start learning a new skill, we can often get caught up in our head, but this is all about dropping into your heart and soul and trusting your inner voice.

      With love,

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